Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Women, Injuries, and Pelvic Mesh

A popular method of treating Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) among women, the transvaginal mesh, or bladder sling, has caused multiple side effects in them. Many victims have filed bladder mesh lawsuit against the manufactures, asking for due compensation. Women have even reported their safety concerns regarding the product to the FDA. After years of communication and discussions, the institution finally agreed upon the safety concerns regarding the surgical implant, ordering the mesh producers to stop the product sale.

It comes as a welcome change, which will save potential patients from future complications. Let’s look into the subject in detail.

What triggered the decision?

Since early 2002, the mesh implant has been actively used to treat women with POP. However, multiple women have endured complications after being fitted with it. Issues include,

1.    Pain in the pelvic region
2.    Discomfort in having intercourse
3.    Vaginal bleeding and unusual discharge
4.    Mesh Erosion

In most cases, the patients suffered from POP recurrences and other fatal side-effects after the surgery. To fix these issues, they needed multiple surgeries and constant medical attention.

After receiving multiple complains regarding the product, and reports published in several scientific journals, the FDA decided to look into the matter. After minutely studying the stories and discussing the safety concerns with the manufacturers, they found the issues in the safety and effectiveness of the implant. It resulted in the recall of the product.

Where do the victims stand here?
According to bladder mesh lawsuit update, patients suffering from the complications triggered by this device can file for a case against the mesh manufacturers for the damages caused by the device. Victims like you should contact Mesh Lawsuit Help Center to know more about the matter. For more information, visit or call (855) 553-4959.

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