Thursday, April 18, 2019

Questions to ask before a transvaginal mesh surgery

Women with pelvic floor disorders are often recommended transvaginal mesh surgeries to fix the problem. These meshes, made from animal tissues or synthetic materials,  are surgically implanted in the lower pelvic region for providing support to the weak tissues. In some cases, women have reported complications after the surgery and needed a procedure to undo the damages caused by it.

Here are some of the problems caused by transvaginal mesh complications:

•    Pain and swelling in the pelvic region

•    Problems in bowel movement or passing urine. In certain cases, women might suffer from infections similar to UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) and incontinence.

•    Discomfort during intercourse

Asking the right questions:

If you are suffering from the Pelvic Floor Disorder, you might have difficulty in passing bowels. Also, you would have the urge to pass urine frequently. In some cases, urine and stool leakage is also very common. If your physician has prescribed a mesh implant as a treatment, then ask them about all the risks involved with the surgery. The patients might have to undergo a repair operation to fix the issues caused by the transvaginal mesh complications.

The patients with implant complications can have difficulty in leading a normal life. If you too are a victim of the issues caused by mesh implants, then you can approach the Mesh Lawsuit Help Center. They offer legal aid for the patients who are suffering due to the implant. For more information, visit or call 1 (855) 553-4959 to know more.

Sharing description:

Living with transvaginal mesh complications can be very difficult for a person. The mesh implants provide support to the weakened tissues of the pelvic muscles assisting them in passing bowels and urine. However, many women have reported complications after surgery. If you too are a victim of the implant, then approaching them might help.