Sunday, September 8, 2019

Get Expert Advice on Mesh Lawsuits Update

Transvaginal mesh implants are medical devices that are surgically inserted in women to treat common pelvic floor disorders such as pelvic organ prolapse (POP) or stress urinary incontinence (SUI).

Many TVM implants manmade synthetic mesh and are implanted to provide support to weakened or damaged tissues. The bladder sling, as commonly called is used to reinforce the vaginal wall to treat POP and support the urethra or bladder neck for the repair of SUI. The lawsuits allege that the mesh makers failed to adequately test their TVM products. It is also blamed that the manufacturers did not carry out proper investigation about the complications associated with their products and failed to issue fitting warnings about the risks associated with their use.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports the mesh complications are ‘not rare’ and the following vaginal mesh complications are supported in the mesh lawsuit update:
  • Erosion of the mesh through vaginal tissue
  • Infection
  • Pain during sex
  • Urinary problems
  • Recurrence of prolapse and/or incontinence
Surgery to the remove the mesh does not guarantee improvement of the complications. This is because as the device can move from its intended position and parts of it can get embedded in the body’s tissues. This makes complete removal nearly impossible leaving the women suffer from severe complications related to their implants.

Vaginal Mesh Lawsuits in Multi-District Litigation (MDL)
  • R. Bard
  • American Medical Systems
  • Boston Scientific
  • Johnson & Johnson, Ethicon
  • Coloplast Corp
  • Cook Medical
  • Neomedic Pelvic Repair System
  • Mentor Corp. ObTape Transobturator Sling
What kind compensation can you secure according to mesh lawsuit update?

Attorneys litigate thousand of similar cases and fight for the following:
  • Medical expenses, including the cost for the surgery to remove the implant
  • Loss of wages and future ability to earn
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lower quality of life
  • Loss of consortium (loss of marital relations)
Shall the doctor be sued?

The huge majority of doctors who used TVM implants to treat POP and SUI operated in good faith. It was believed both by the patients and the doctors that the products had been thoroughly reviewed by the FDA and was safe. Nothing could have been far from truth about the mesh products.
This is why all current TVM lawsuits claim the devices were poorly manufactured, and that the companies selling the products botched to warn the public, and the medical community concerning the significant risks involved. Therefore, it is the manufacturers who are the defendants in vaginal mesh claims, not the physicians.

If you or your loved ones are affected by defective mesh implant, get in touch with the team of and get a free evaluation of your case over 1-855-553-4959.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Women, Injuries, and Pelvic Mesh

A popular method of treating Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) among women, the transvaginal mesh, or bladder sling, has caused multiple side effects in them. Many victims have filed bladder mesh lawsuit against the manufactures, asking for due compensation. Women have even reported their safety concerns regarding the product to the FDA. After years of communication and discussions, the institution finally agreed upon the safety concerns regarding the surgical implant, ordering the mesh producers to stop the product sale.

It comes as a welcome change, which will save potential patients from future complications. Let’s look into the subject in detail.

What triggered the decision?

Since early 2002, the mesh implant has been actively used to treat women with POP. However, multiple women have endured complications after being fitted with it. Issues include,

1.    Pain in the pelvic region
2.    Discomfort in having intercourse
3.    Vaginal bleeding and unusual discharge
4.    Mesh Erosion

In most cases, the patients suffered from POP recurrences and other fatal side-effects after the surgery. To fix these issues, they needed multiple surgeries and constant medical attention.

After receiving multiple complains regarding the product, and reports published in several scientific journals, the FDA decided to look into the matter. After minutely studying the stories and discussing the safety concerns with the manufacturers, they found the issues in the safety and effectiveness of the implant. It resulted in the recall of the product.

Where do the victims stand here?
According to bladder mesh lawsuit update, patients suffering from the complications triggered by this device can file for a case against the mesh manufacturers for the damages caused by the device. Victims like you should contact Mesh Lawsuit Help Center to know more about the matter. For more information, visit or call (855) 553-4959.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Why Pelvic Meshes Failed?

In the last two decades, several women suffering urinary issues were widely recommended pelvic meshes. The mesh-like implant was supposed to strengthen the pelvic muscles and provide lasting relief to patients suffering from conditions like Stress Urinary Incontinence or Pelvic Mesh Prolapse. However, not only did the implant has failed in managing the condition, but also added to their health woes. 

Multiple patients have reported complications like abdomen pain, vaginal discharge, mesh migration, difficulty in leading a healthy conjugal life, and so on. Most women had to suffer from additional financial losses like loss of payment or extra medical bills, due to the faulty implant. According to the latest mesh lawsuit update these patients have suffered major damages to health and finances that makes them eligible for compensation. 

How pelvic mesh was introduced?


The surgical meshes were introduced at the end of the 1950s to treat hernia among patients. However, in the last two decades, the mesh implant was incorporated into urogynecology surgeries. Theoretically, the mesh implant was supposed to strengthen the walls of the vagina and help women having better control over passing urine. In some cases, the surgical mesh was supposed to support urethra or bladder neck, to treat Stress Urinary Incontinence. 

According to several investigative journalists, most surgeons were quick to recommend these net-like meshes to fix the bladder problems. However, many women complained about stabbing pain after the procedure as well as a massive amount of bleeding. they were required to undergo a second or third round of surgeries to fix the complications caused by the implant. 

What are the women doing about it?


Lawsuits over the transvaginal mesh, or pelvic mesh, have become one of the largest mass tort lawsuits in the country’s history. Many victims are holding manufacturers as well as distributors for launching and promoting a faulty medical product that has jeopardized their life. According to mesh lawsuit update, victims are filing lawsuits against big manufacturers like Johnson & Johnson or C.R. Bard for the troubles caused by their product. 

Mesh Lawsuit Help Center is one such institute that is helping women in getting justice and compensation against the troubles. They are fighting lawsuits against big corporations on behalf of the victims. If you too have been suffering from the issues caused by the faulty medical product, reach out to them at or call 1 (855)553-4959.       

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Do You Have These Symptoms After TVM?

If you have faced complications after transvaginal mesh implants, you’re definitely not alone. There are growing numbers of women who have gathered courage to speak up about the problem they faced to save others from getting into similar situations. Furthermore, there are best law firms that represent transvaginal mesh lawsuit to provide best consultation to get the financial compensation you deserve. 

Are you aware of the symptoms?


Sometime Injuries happen slowly and especially complications from mesh implants take time to develop. If you aren’t unaware of the symptoms, here are few that are pretty common.

•    Discomfort
•    Painful intercourse
•    Mesh erosion
•    Pelvic pain or swelling
•    Abdominal pain
•    Buttock or leg pain

It’s best to know…!


The increasing rate of injuries that women face could have been subsided if only right information was circulated. It’s been informed by the researchers that the edge of the mesh can cut through the skin further causing damage in the bladder, bowel or even uterus. This crucial after-effect is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious damage for women. It not just drains your good health but empties your bank account too. In order to get the full compensation, file your transvaginal mesh lawsuit at the earliest.

If you want an experienced lawyer for your case, is the answer.  Visit or dial the directly on 1-855-553-4959.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Complications That Stem From TVM

Many women who suffer pelvic organ prolapse (POP) or stress urinary incontinence (SUI) use transvaginal mesh (TVM) to treat the condition. Despite U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sharing warnings about the risk of complications associated with the surgical mesh in the transvaginal repair of POP, many thousands of women continue to have the surgery every year.

In 2011, the FDA issued a safety communication advising healthcare providers and their patients to consider alternatives to transvaginal mesh. The FDA officials, after receiving more than 3,875 injury reports associated with the mesh, three of which involved fatalities, from 2005 to 2010 found it essential to share the health warning to reduce any more of such consequences.

There are some most commonly reported transvaginal mesh complications.

Vaginal pain, UTI, pelvic pain,  bladder infection, infection requiring surgery, vaginal pain during intercourse,  hardening of mesh, extrusion of the device,  injury of the nearby organs, organ perforation, recurrence of SUI are the most often reported side effects of the mesh implant.

The victims of such complications and undue injury can opt for financial compensation. The manufacturers concealed the potential side effects of the TVM devices putting a huge risk to the public health. They also failed to create an effective treatment for the mesh implant complications.

In many instances, more than one surgery is required to repair and reinforce the damage; unfortunately, in some cases, it was reported that these repairs did not return patients to their full quality of life. A main reason for the difficulty with the surgery is that after a period of time, tissues grow in and around the implanted mesh, and unless the person is a highly skilled surgeon, it is impossible to remove all of it without damaging the other neighboring areas. This requires multiple operations.

After undergoing transvaginal placement of mesh, if you or a loved one has experienced any of the above complications, visit your healthcare provider to find out what to do next. The team of meshlawsuithelpcenter has a team of experienced lawyers who will also be able to advise you on any deadlines for bringing your legal claim for damages. Visit or dial 1(855)553-4959 to know more.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Questions to ask before a transvaginal mesh surgery

Women with pelvic floor disorders are often recommended transvaginal mesh surgeries to fix the problem. These meshes, made from animal tissues or synthetic materials,  are surgically implanted in the lower pelvic region for providing support to the weak tissues. In some cases, women have reported complications after the surgery and needed a procedure to undo the damages caused by it.

Here are some of the problems caused by transvaginal mesh complications:

•    Pain and swelling in the pelvic region

•    Problems in bowel movement or passing urine. In certain cases, women might suffer from infections similar to UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) and incontinence.

•    Discomfort during intercourse

Asking the right questions:

If you are suffering from the Pelvic Floor Disorder, you might have difficulty in passing bowels. Also, you would have the urge to pass urine frequently. In some cases, urine and stool leakage is also very common. If your physician has prescribed a mesh implant as a treatment, then ask them about all the risks involved with the surgery. The patients might have to undergo a repair operation to fix the issues caused by the transvaginal mesh complications.

The patients with implant complications can have difficulty in leading a normal life. If you too are a victim of the issues caused by mesh implants, then you can approach the Mesh Lawsuit Help Center. They offer legal aid for the patients who are suffering due to the implant. For more information, visit or call 1 (855) 553-4959 to know more.

Sharing description:

Living with transvaginal mesh complications can be very difficult for a person. The mesh implants provide support to the weakened tissues of the pelvic muscles assisting them in passing bowels and urine. However, many women have reported complications after surgery. If you too are a victim of the implant, then approaching them might help.  


Monday, March 11, 2019

Complete Guide to Vaginal Mesh Lawsuit

Surgical mesh has been used since the 1950s to repair abdominal hernias but with a bit more advancement in the medical field, they have been used for the treatment of POP and SUI. Unfortunately, more than 100,000 transvaginal mesh lawsuits have been filed as the victims faced severe side effects from transvaginal or pelvic mesh implant.

Before getting into the mesh lawsuit update, it is important to understand why these slings are used.
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) occur when a woman's pelvic organs weaken. This is when surgical mesh can be implanted to reinforce the weakened vaginal wall and support the area. Both trans-abdominal and trans-vaginal surgeries are possible for the implant. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the condition that occurs when there is unintentional loss of urine that occurs from physical movement or activity like sneezing, running, coughing and more. To correct and restore the urinary continence, mid-urethral sling procedure is done. Polyester and polypropylene are commonly used in the manufacturing of the mesh products as both these materials were thought to be strong and long-lasting.

Unfortunately, a large number of women who have had surgical treatment with the use of mesh for POP or SUI suffered from the complications and filed for lawsuit claiming financial compensation. Mesh erosion occurs as a complication of the operation and might need a surgical procedure for complete mesh removal. It is technically very complex and should be thoroughly discussed on an individual basis with an experienced specialist to understand the further complications and that the condition might require multidisciplinary care.

When vaginal mesh erosion is allowed to progress, it results in vaginal perforation. Women who develop transvaginal mesh organ perforation can suffer from increased infection risk, severe pain, and increased bleeding. Perforation of pelvic or abdominal organs such as the kidneys, colon or liver leads to a life threatening condition. All these complications are reported in the mesh lawsuit update and if the attorneys find it a successful reason, they can help the affected victim claim for the monetary reimbursement.

Vaginal-mesh products like those which were manufactured by the Johnson & Johnson were rushed through the FDA approval process and at the end turned out to be extremely defective. They caused extremely severe, painful, and often permanent injuries in women and the manufacturers have been blamed of the following in the lawsuit:
  • For failing to do proper research and study about the risks and complications associated with the device
  • For not informing the patients and the physicians about the risks involved
  • For constantly misbranding the device as a safe and effective alternative to the existing procedure
The main companies which have been named in the mesh lawsuit update involves:
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • The American Medical Systems (AMS)
  • R. Bard
  • Boston Scientific
  • Coloplast
  • Cook Medical
  • Neomedic
The transvaginal mesh attorneys fight on behalf for their plaintiffs to claim financial compensation in bladder mesh lawsuit for the following:
  • Expenses for the ongoing and future medical treatment
  • Expenses for emergency medication and hospitalization
  • Expenses for wage loss and also the loss of earning capacity
  • Compensation for pain and suffering including the mental turmoil
Expenses for the second or subsequent corrective surgeries

Friday, January 11, 2019

Health Effects that are Argued over Mesh Lawsuit

Transvaginal Mesh Litigation has till date been one of the largest mass torts in history.

Women experience SUI and POP majorly from childbirth, hysterectomy, or from aging. Even though there are a number of surgical procedures available that can address these conditions, transvaginal mesh have been proven to be beneficial for a number of reasons. Unfortunately, a growing body of evidence, showed that these meshes are defectively designed and can cause a huge number of health hazards.

From 2005 to 2010, close to 4,000 reports of complications were submitted to the FDA. The most common complaints were of mesh erosion and chronic pain.

The common complications mesh implant patients reported involve:
  • Mesh exposure into the bladder, vagina, or rectum
  • Mesh erosion into the bladder or rectum
  • Chronic pain
  • Chronic infection
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Vaginal scarring/shrinkage
  • Neuro-muscular problems
  • Repeat surgery due to complications
  • Bowel, bladder, and blood vessel perforation
  • Urinary problems
  • Recurrence of POP as well as SUI
Both women and their spouses can fight for their compensation and claim for the following:
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of wages
  • Loss of consortium (loss of marital relations)
  • Medical expenses, including the corrective surgeries
  • Lower quality of life
Why mesh complications are not easy to resolve?

As transvaginal mesh is designed to be a permanent implant, removing it entirely can often prove challenging (if not impossible), and chances are there can be further complications which can impair the patient’s quality of life, as stated by the FDA. With all these undue pain and suffering, the victims placed for vaginal mesh lawsuit to claim for their damage awards. 7 deaths associated with transvaginal mesh were reported between 2008 and 2010 to the FDA.

If you received a TVM implant, and are experiencing complications, please get in touch with the expert team of The complications and the further proceeding about the lawsuit can be explained thoroughly by the team of experts. Visit or dial 1(855) 553-4959 to know more about the legal claims.